How Color Influences Your mood

Whether we realize it or not, but the color of clothes that we choose to wear will also affect people around you. For years scientists have been studying how different colors affect your mind and the world around you, but it was not until recently that scientists were able to prove his theory. What you must bear in mind that even though some theories have been proven through scientific studies, not all of them have been proven yet. However, this does not mean thatthose certain colors affect you and those around you.

The color red has a stimulating effect on both the heart and circulatory system. When you see red, you often feel strong and energetic. Something else about the color red is that it is associated with feelings of ambition and vitality. Pink, which is a combination of red and white, is not as strong as the color red is considered a softer color. Pink actually calms people and makes them feel calm, which meansthat people are surrounded by pink color feel less irritation and aggression, than other people.

The color orange has been shown to enhance both your digestive and immune system. With regard to the feelings, the color orange is a happy color that can be used to help increase self-esteem, but it can also help create enthusiasm for life. If you mix orange with white, you get peach and apricot colors that are good for working with emotional exhaustion. Yellow is the colorI hope most people who wear yellow are very optimistic, but they are also very happy and clear headed, no clouds their judgments.

Green is the color that people are treated when they have emotional problems because it is the color of the heart. The green color helps you be more understanding of people around you, but can also help relieve your body and calm your emotions on a bad day.

Blue color is very soothing color, but how comforting it will depend onshade of blue. Darker shade of blue you can easily connect to your feminine side, but can also help connect better with your gut. All shades of blue can be used to inspire creative thinking, but also help promote clear thinking.

Just remember the color of the clothes you wear every day can reflect your inner state of mind, mention may also have a direct impact on your current mood, so choose colors carefully.

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